
Beagle Club of South Australia Inc

Notice of

Annual General Meeting

10 am

Saturday 23rd November 2024

at The Gums, Tranmere

Order of Business

                • Acceptance of Minutes for the previous Annual General Meeting held on 19/11/23:
                • Business arising from previous Annual General Meeting:
                • Correspondence In/Out:
                • President’s Report:
                • Treasurer’s Report:
                • Auditor’s Financial Statement:
                • Nomination and Election of Office Bearers:
                  • Nominations and election of Pro-tem Chairperson,
                  • Nominations and election of President,
                  • Nominations and election of Vice President,
                  • Nominations and election of Secretary,
                  • Nominations and election of Treasurer,
                  • Nominations and election of General Committee (up to 12),
                  • Nominations and election of Auditor,
                • Honorarium:
                  • Secretary
                  • Treasurer
                • To accept/reject Membership Fees proposed by Committee for 2025-26:
                  • Family Membership
                  • Double Membership
                  • Single Membership
                  • Pensioner Membership
                  • Junior Membership
                  • Breeders
                • To accept/reject Life Membership proposed for Barry Woodhead, Gary Clarke and Melissa Clarke

And no business other than that set out in this Notice of Meeting shall be dealt with at this Annual General Meeting.

Gordon Radcliffe

Secretary, BCSA Inc.