Field Day Registration

Monarto Field Days 2024

Sun 28 April, Sat 25 May, Sun 23 June, Sat 20 July, Sun 25 August


Registrations prior to the day are appreciated by the Field Day team. Links to register will be available here prior to each event and also sent via email.

Registration for the August 2024 Field Day is NOW OPEN here:

**Note: If you do not receive an auto-reply confirming your registration please email

Monarto Equestrian Centre, Paech Road, Monarto
Lot 214 Paech Rd, Monarto

These events are what we build up to each year. If you’re a new member and haven’t been before, we strongly encourage you to come along and join in – it’s a great day for you and your beagle!


  • ONLY Financial Member’s beagles can participate in Field Day events.
  • A registration fee for EACH Field Day also applies (see fees below), this is not your membership.
  • Registration is required for EVERY Field Day. To assist our friendly registration team Do Not leave to the last minute to do this.
  • Field Days are for purebred beagles ONLY. Cross breeds are NOT permitted and will be excluded from participation.
  • Hounds that do not comply (height- 45 cm, weight-20 kg, behaviour) with our Field Day standard will be scrutinised by the Master of Hounds to check if they will be permitted to participate.
  • DO NOT be offended if your hound does not comply with the above requirements and you are told your hound cannot participate in events. It’s a long trek to a Field Day so if unsure if your hound complies check before attending. Any queries should be directed to the Master of Hounds (
  • refer web site (members_guidelines_field day rules)

* Time – 9:00am (registration opens) for 10am start. We should finish up around 3pm.

* Registration fee – $10 single / $20 double/family per hunt (not per dog)

Please try to arrive a bit earlier, to sort out registration and sign the attendance sheet and collect your beagle’s number/jacket for them to wear during the event, as well as pick up your name tag.

What to Bring

– A jacket (it can be a bit cooler up there, especially in the morning), chair, food/water for your beagles, lead and collar for your dog, any extra food/drinks you want for yourselves.

– Sturdy shoes with good grip is recommended – we’re in a rural environment, so you’ll be walking through paddocks which can sometimes have longer/slippery grass and sheep dung (unfortunately).


Time Event (approx)


09.00 Registration Opens
09.45 Introduction by the Club President
09.55 Awards and Promotions
10:00 Instructions by Master of Hounds/Field Day Staff – Quad Bike lays drag

10:10 Pack Hounds, Intermediate – 1st Run
10:35 Novice – 1st Run
11:00 Puppies,  Beginners – 1st Run
11:25 Quad Bike lays drag
11:30 Main Event –  Pack Hounds,  Invited Intermediate

12:15 Lunch
12:50 General Meeting (if Required)
12:55 Raffle Draw
13:00 Instructions by Field Day Staff (invitations)

13:10 Intermediate, Invited Novice – 2nd Run
13:50 Novice, Invited Beginners – 2nd Run
14:15 Puppies,  Beginners – 2nd Run
14:40 Intermediate, Invited Novice, Pack Hounds – 3rd Run

Directions / Map

Take the Monarto Exit off the South Eastern Freeway.
Most of Paech Rd is a dirt/gravel road.
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